Failed IVF

A failed IVF can be devastating for you and your partner. You may lose hope and feel extremely depressed. Still, you aren't quite ready to give up your dream of completing your family. So what can be done next for you to fulfil your dream ….

Every couple, or individual, has a different path when dealing with infertility treatments.

There can be many reasons for IVF failure. Depending on the reason for your failed IVF, there are several solutions, ranging from trying another cycle of IVF, to third party fertility assistance, to adoption.

Why does IVF fail ?

For an IVF cycle to succeed the Embryos should be of good quality and the endometrial lining should be receptive to implant the embryos.

The eggs and the sperm, must be of good quality , viable and should fertilize successfully. That fertilization must result in a healthy embryo which must implant in the uterus. This implanted embryo must continue to develop. There are many factors that lead to IVF success, and many reasons for failed IVF. Some of the common reasons for failed IVF can be:

The eggs were not viable

Gonadotropin injections are given for controlled ovarian stimulation.Which leads to the release of many oocytes, or eggs. When the eggs are retrieved, they are put together with the sperm to facilitate fertilization. In some cases, the women have poor egg reserve in which case even the quality diminishes most commonly due to advanced age( > 35 Years), these eggs are not able to fertilize successfully sometimes. From your mid-, to late-30's, your eggs begin to diminish in number as well as quality.

Failed Fertilization

In some cases fertilization simply does not occur. This can be because of the quality of the eggs, or sperm. In some cases the growth of the embryo is not proper.

Embryos did not implant

There are two common reasons an embryo fails to implant. The first is because the uterine environment is inadequate to support the embryo. Possibly due to the thin endometrium, scar tissue, or an undetected, pre-existing issue. The second reason embryos fail to implant is often because the embryo itself has a chromosomal abnormality. Sometimes for the success of IVF ,the embryos have to undergo PGT (preimplantation genetic testing) to determine the genetic health( euploid status) of the embryo. This testing significantly improves the chances of successful implantation. Women over 35 are at greater risk for aneuploid abnormal embryos, and the risk rises with age.

IVF cycle may need to be cancelled due to an inadequate number of follicles : If the age of the patient (and thus, her ovaries) is over 35, the number of healthy follicles may not be enough to produce an adequate number of eggs.

Lifestyle Factors

it is important that you live a healthy life and are on a good fertility diet. Smoking , tobacco , alcohol will directly and adverselyaffect your IVF success. Women who smoke require twice as many IVF attempts to become pregnant, and are at a much higher risk for miscarriage. If you are under-, or over-weight, you are more likely to experience failed IVF.