Failed IVF Cycle - What Next ?

Our Center specializes in treating couples who have had failed IVF cycles.

A failed IVF cycle can be because of poor egg quality, sperm quality or uterine lining. It is assumed that all the stimulation egg pick up, laboratory procedures and embryo transfers have been done meticulously in previous attempts. We offer certain modifications in the IVF cycles for optimizing outcome in couples suffering from failed IVF attempts-

Optimized stimulation protocol: The short antagonist protocol offers the best results in terms of selection of the best oocytes (eggs) in most cases.

Hysteroscopy: The hysteroscope aids us in picking up uterine abnormalities which are sometimes missed at routine ultrasound e.g., small polyps. It is also useful in washing and cleaning the uterus which sometimes may help in improving the outcomes. Endometrial scratching can also be done at the same setting to improve the uterine receptivity.

ERA: ERA presumably detects the phase of the endometrium in which the embryo best implants. It helps in individualised embryo transfer.

PGS: PGS is a way of detecting abnormal embryos thus helps in improving the pregnancy rates. However, each case must be individualized.

Selection of Sperm: In many cases, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is offered as it has been suggested that it may improve fertilization rates and hence, overall pregnancy outcome. Our embryologist takes special care to select the best sperms for doing ICSI.

Day of Transfer: The day of transfer should be individualized for each patient.

Meticulous Transfer Technique: Embryo transfer is the final and one of the most crucial step of IVF. All embryo transfers here are performed by skilled specialists who have taken special training from abroad.

Vitamins and Antioxidants: DHEA, L Arginine, Zinc, selenium etc. are given to women and men as indicated to improve the egg and sperm quality.

Laser Hatching: Laser hatching of the embryos is performed on the day of embryo transfer to ensure that the shell of the embryo hatches easily. This allows the embryo to implant better. This is mainly suitable for embryos with thick shell, advanced age group and frozen embryos.

The couple should share their concerns with the doctor, and discuss the the actual benefit of all these options available in their case.

We study each case individually and decide which treatment will be the most beneficial for that particular patient. Many couples who were struggling earlier with failed IVF cycles have achieved their dream of parenthood and have been blessed with their bundle of joy.