At Color IVF and Fertility, we offer third party reproduction, also known as donation, to provide hope for couples struggling with infertility. Our donor programs vary based on the specific health concerns of the couple, ranging from egg donation and sperm donation to embryo donation.

Egg donation may be a viable option for women over 40 years old who have a poor ovarian reserve and low-quality eggs, as well as those who have undergone multiple IVF or ICSI cycles without success. Women suffering from severe endometriosis, tuberculosis, PCOS, ovarian cysts, premature ovarian failure, or an inherited genetic disorder may also benefit from egg donation.

For couples with severe male infertility or Azoospermia where sperms cannot be retrieved even with TESA, sperm donation may be an option. This may be the case with non-obstructive Azoospermia due to primary or secondary testicular failure resulting from radiation therapy or chemotherapy. If the male partner carries a genetic disorder, sperm donation may also be considered.

Embryo donation involves transferring an embryo created through the IVF procedure of a conceived patient to the uterus of an infertile woman. This option may be ideal for couples who have difficulty getting pregnant with their own eggs and semen, as well as those with adverse medical-genetic prognoses. If poor quality embryos are repeatedly produced, and their transfer does not result in pregnancy, embryo donation may also be considered.

At Color IVF and Fertility, we understand the complexities of infertility and are committed to providing comprehensive solutions that meet the unique needs of each patient. Contact us to learn more about our donor programs and how we can help you start your family.